Meet the incredible promotional partners who help bring the Kick'n Up Kountry Music Festival to life!
Get Tickets for 2025Looking for a great way to connect with thousands of your best prospects and customers?
Want to have your company’s message get seen in the clutter that makes up today’s media market? We invite you to become a part of the Kick'n Up Kountry Partnership Team.
Festivals are unique because the audience camps on-site for up to five nights. They make their home at the festival and your product or service is presented to them where they live. Partners benefit as being part of the lifestyle that the audience embraces. They buy because you are part of what they love to do, creating loyal, long-term customers.
Over 42% of the population identifies themselves as a country music listener according to Billboard Magazine. For over 20 years, Kick’n Up Kountry has been bringing in Country Music stars to the delight of the audience. Here is your chance to connect with that audience in radio, television, and print media, on-site promotions, on-site signage, plus tickets for employees and customers to enjoy the show.
Don’t miss your opportunity to connect directly with your best prospects, creating loyal customers for years to come. Contact us at or call toll free at 877-542-5687.